High School Senior Suffers Fatal Injuries in Tifton Trucking Accident
The unexpected death of a Worth County High School senior has left family members and friends in mourning following a fatal Tifton accident. According to the Tift County deputy coroner, and as reported by www.walb.com, a 19-year-old woman was fatally injured in an accident involving an 18-wheeler.
The Georgia State Patrol (GSP) reports that the fatal accident occurred at the intersection of U.S. Highway 82 and Carpenter Road just before noon. The 19-year-old victim was a passenger in a Jeep Renegade that collided with an 18-wheeler. The driver of the Jeep Renegade did not suffer fatal injuries and was transferred to Tift Regional Medical Center.
Details of how the collision happened have not been made available, but the Tift County deputy coroner stated that “because of the circumstances surrounding the crash,” the female victim’s death was reported to the Georgia Bureau of Investigation medical examiner. The victim’s body also underwent an autopsy in Macon.
A Look at Some Fatal Accident Statistics
Fatal accidents happen daily in Georgia, and the frequency of fatal accidents is nearly identical to the national average. As such, Georgia falls in the middle in terms of how often fatal accidents happen. The Georgia Governor’s Office of Highway Safety published the following statistics, which provide a snapshot of the breakdown of fatal accidents in 2019.
- Total Fatal Accidents – 1,491
- Fatalities Per 100 Million Vehicle Miles Driven – 1.12 (the national average in 2019 was 1.11)
- Passenger Vehicle Occupant Fatalities (all seat positions) – 989
- Alcohol-Impaired Driving Fatalities – 353
- Speeding-Related Fatalities – 250
- Motorcyclist Fatalities – 170
- Pedestrian Fatalities – 236
- Bicyclist and Other Cyclist Fatalities – 21
- Total Number of Drivers Involved in Fatal Accidents – 2,183
Any person – whether an occupant of a vehicle or not – can fall victim to a motor vehicle accident at any time, which is a frightening reality. Many accidents are preventable and Georgia law allows victims and loved ones of deceased victims to pursue legal action to hold accountable the party or parties at fault for causing the accident.
Our Tifton Wrongful Death Lawyer Can Help With Wrongful Death Lawsuits in Georgia
Under Georgia Code Section 51-4-2, certain family members can file a wrongful death lawsuit on behalf of a deceased victim. The statute provides that the surviving spouse or an adult child or children of the victim (if there is no surviving spouse) may recover for the death of a loved one in a wrongful death lawsuit.
While Georgia law provides an avenue for a remedy that loved ones may take advantage of, certain laws limit how long loved ones have to pursue legal action. Under Georgia Code Section 9-3-33, a wrongful death lawsuit, like a personal injury lawsuit, must be filed within two years of the date the injuries were sustained, which would be the date of the accident.
With wrongful death lawsuits, the date of death triggers the clock for filing a lawsuit. However, the date of death may not necessarily be the day the accident happened, as some victims may survive for a brief time following the accident.
The bottom line is that loved ones of deceased victims do not have much time to pursue legal action and would be wise to speak with a Tifton wrongful death lawyer as soon as possible following the loved one’s death.
Contact the Tifton Wrongful Death Lawyers of Hudson Injury Firm Today
If you have lost a loved one to a fatal accident in Georgia, you may have legal options to seek justice on your loved one’s behalf. At Hudson Injury Firm, our Tifton wrongful death lawyers have successfully recovered compensation on behalf of clients just like you.
To schedule a free consultation with Hudson Injury Firm, contact our office today by calling (229) 396-5845 or submitting your information through our website’s contact us page.