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Tifton Child Injury Attorney Helping Families Get the Compensation They Deserve

As parents, we want to keep our children safe, but we also know they will have to face hazards as they grow up. While accidents can happen, some accidents result from negligence – and sometimes this can be negligence on the part of those we trust to keep our children safe. If your child has been injured in an accident, you may be entitled to compensation. A Tifton child injury lawyer can help you understand your options and fight for the compensation your child deserves. 

Negligent Supervision in Georgia

Schools, daycare providers, clubs, and other organizations have a legal obligation to take reasonable action to prevent foreseeable accidents when our children are in their care. Many accidents that result in injuries to children are due to negligent supervision, such as failing to provide any supervision at all and lackadaisical supervision. Negligent supervision is often the most common cause of child injuries: 

  • Exposure to toxic or dangerous substances
  • Walking into roadways
  • Falls
  • Injuries due to rough play or fighting

If your child has suffered an injury due to negligent supervision, speak with a Tifton child injury lawyer as soon as possible. 

Poisoning Accidents in Tifton

Everyday cleaning products and other substances can be extremely toxic to children when ingested. Schools and daycare providers should take steps to ensure any potentially toxic substances are stored in a secured location inaccessible to children. 

Unsafe Premises and Equipment

Daycare providers and schools also must ensure their facilities are safe for children, including the stairs, flooring, walkways, and other facility elements to prevent slip, trip, and fall accidents. Also, schools and daycare providers should ensure any playground structures or other equipment used by the children are safe and in good working order. This obligation requires schools and daycare providers to conduct regular inspections to ensure the premises and any equipment are safe and to take steps to address hazards and make any necessary repairs. 

One of the most common scenarios that can result in child injuries involves what is referred to as “attractive nuisances.” These are property conditions that are especially attractive to children, such as bodies of water or dangerous structures they may climb on. You may be entitled to compensation for your child’s injury if they were injured as a result of an attractive nuisance. 

Negligent Hiring, Training, and Supervision of Personnel 

Schools and daycare providers can fail to meet their duty of care in negligent hiring practices and fail to provide adequate training or supervision of their employees. Daycare providers and schools should conduct background checks and ensure their employees have the proper qualifications and experience before hiring them. Once hired, they have an ongoing responsibility to ensure their employees receive the proper training and are appropriately supervised. Schools and daycares may be held responsible for any harm that is caused when they hire unqualified employees or are negligent about their training or supervision. 

Other Personal Injury Claims a Tifton Child Injury Lawyer Will Pursue

Not all child injuries occur while the child is in the care of a school, daycare, or other organization. There are many different scenarios where children may suffer serious injury due to someone else’s negligence. Here are some of the other situations where we recommend you consult with a Tifton child injury lawyer

  • Car accidents. Just like adults, children can be seriously injured in a car accident. If your child was injured in a car accident, you may be entitled to seek compensation on their behalf by pursuing a claim against the responsible party. 
  • Dog bites. Because of their smaller size and height, children are much more likely to suffer severe injuries when attacked by a dog or other animal. In the state of Georgia, dog owners can be held liable for a child’s injuries in certain situations. These cases are easier to prove when the attack occurred on public property, and the dog was unleashed but become more complicated when the attack occurred at the owner’s home. 
  • Accidents at a friend or family member’s home. Similar to schools and daycare providers, anyone who hosts your child has a duty to provide reasonable care. When they fail to keep your child safe due to negligence, they may be held liable for your child’s injuries. 

Pursuing an Injury Claim with A Tifton Child Injury Attorney

If your child has been injured, they may require extensive medical care in order to make a full recovery. They may miss time from school and require private tutoring. You may have to miss work in order to take care of them. Then there is the pain and emotional anguish suffered by you and your child throughout this process. 

Your child and your family may suffer far greater losses than you would think as a result of the accident. As a result, your only option may be to pursue a legal claim for your child’s injuries in order to get the compensation you need to rebuild your child’s life. If the accident resulted in death, a Tifton wrongful death lawyer may be able to help you recover losses.

Unfortunately, child injury claims are not easy for non-lawyers to pursue on their own. The two main challenges of a child injury claim are as follows:

  • Proving negligence. To prevail on your claim, you will need to prove your child’s accident is the result of someone’s negligence. What will qualify as negligence will depend on the facts and circumstances surrounding your case. It requires careful evaluation of the facts and an in-depth understanding of the law. An experienced Tifton child injury attorney should be able to review your case and determine whether you will be able to prove negligence. 
  • Proving your damages. After you have proven someone else’s negligence caused the accident, you need to prove you and your child were harmed somehow, including monetary damages such as your medical bills and non-monetary losses such as pain and suffering. Proving your damages requires careful documentation of every aspect of your losses. You may also need to overcome objections that the medical treatment your child received was unnecessary or that some other portion of your claim is higher than it should be. 

If your child has been injured, their future is at stake. A Tifton child injury lawyer can help you gather the evidence you need, estimate the value of your claim, and then prove your case so you can get the compensation you and your child need to rebuild your lives. 

Contact a Tifton Child Injury Attorney at Hudson Injury Firm Today

We help families rebuild their lives after suffering serious injuries. If your child has been injured and you need help, call us at (229) 396-5845 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation with our top personal injury attorneys.