South Georgia Man Dies After Crash With Motorcycle
A 75-year-old Albany man is dead after being hit by a motorcycle Tuesday evening. According to law enforcement sources, the crash occurred just after dark, around 8:45 p.m., on the 1700 block of Nelms Road. Apparently the deceased had been riding his lawnmower and was in the road at the time of the crash. A police source said that both individuals went airborne from their vehicles before landing on the ground. The same source stated that the accident likely could have been prevented if the deceased’s lawn mower had had headlights or tail lights. However, neighbors claim that there is a speeding problem on that particular road, although it is unknown if the motorcyclist was speeding at the time of the accident. The motorcyclist is in stable condition.
As this case illustrates, motorcyclists must remain exercise extra caution, particularly when riding at night. If you have suffered an injury in a motorcycle accident, a Tifton motorcycle accident lawyer can help you recover.
Tips for Motorcycles to Reduce the Chances of Motorcycle Crashes and Injuries
Motorcyclists should take heed of the following tips to reduce their risk of suffering an injury in a motorcycle accident.
Slow Down
The faster you go, the less time you have to react to obstacles. Speeding can also make it more difficult to see an approaching turn, resulting in taking the turn too fast and tipping over or falling off of the bike. And contrary to popular belief, there is almost no difference between the maximum braking capability of motorcycles and motor vehicles — in fact, motorcyclists often need more space to stop than cars do.
Wear a Helmet
Motorcycles offer none of the safety features that passenger vehicles offer — such as seatbelts, airbags, and crumple zones. Wearing a helmet is thus the most important step motorcyclists can take to prevent serious injuries and deaths. Research shows that motorcycle helmets are 37% effective for riders and 41% effective for passengers in preventing death, as well as 67% effective in reducing the risk of head injury.
Look Behind You at Intersections
Motorcyclists are frequently rear-ended when they stop at intersections. To reduce this risk, keep your bike in gear and look behind you before stopping, which will allow you to pull away if it appears that an oncoming car is not going to stop.
Do Not Weave Between Cars
Lane splitting — the practice of riding between lanes of traffic — is illegal in Georgia, and for good reason. Motorcyclists who weave between lanes of traffic increase the risk that they will be injured if a vehicle driver opens their door or suddenly pulls out in front of them.
Wear Reflective Clothing
As the Albany case above shows, darkness increases the risk of accidents. You can reduce that risk by wearing bright, reflective clothing when riding, especially at night.
Recover From an Accident With the Help of a Tifton Motorcycle Accident Lawyer
If you have been injured in a motorcycle accident, whether as a rider or the occupant of a motor vehicle, you may be entitled to compensation if the accident was due to negligence. For more information, please contact a Tifton motorcycle accident lawyer at the Hudson Injury Firm by calling 229-396-5848 or using our online form.